Thursday, August 11, 2011


            An All-Pro NFL linebacker and a world class social media marketer have one thing in common. To be successful, both have to “read their keys”. In football, a linebacker will observe only certain players. That will tell him where the next play will be run. The same way is true in social media marketing.
            The “player” that a marketer keys on in this analogy is your customer and the “key” that you read in order to be successful is how a customer uses your product.  To be a successful marketer you have to be innovative. A major key in being innovative is your ability to observe your customer. Observation is best described by that immortal, Dr. Yogi Berra, “You can see an awful lot just by watching”. This is a prescient observation about what observation is. You watch to see how your customer uses your product. This will give you keen insights in how to improve or market your product.
            A marketer who has done this is Kelly Rowland, the singer.  As I write this article in August of 2011, Ms. Rowland is having great success. The reason why Ms. Rowland’s brand is so successful is because she observed her fans. She “keyed” on them. Her fans have given Ms. Rowland great insight into what they want. Ms. Rowland is a humble woman, but she is a keen marketer. How she has marketed her music is a benchmark to be followed in the marketing of any product.
            Ms. Rowland’s strategy started with a plan and a goal. Her goal was to become the top brand in R&B. She then observed and keyed on her fans to get an insight on how to do this. She observed what music they were buying and what artists lead her genre. She observed that the leading genre of R&B is dance music.
            Ms. Rowland’s observations of her fans made her realize that she had to redefine her brand.  Ms. Rowland’s observation made her become innovative. Ms. Rowland has had success in her career. She has won Grammy’s. Her success was in blues R&B and Gospel. After observing her fans, she realized that to become a player in music, she would have to be innovative.  She realized that she would have to become edgier in both music and in her stage appearance. She would have to become a “new Kelly”.  How to do this?
            Again, the principal is, first observation and then creating a brand through innovation. This is how Ms. Rowland innovated. She sang a duet with a well-known rapper known for edgy lyrics.  However, in the video, the rapper never appears with Ms. Rowland. The lines he sings in the song are very few. By doing it this way, the song “belonged to Kelly”. The video and the song took off.
            Ms. Rowland was innovative in her way of marketing the song. She used YouTube. This is a free sight. The song and video was stylish and edgy. The song took off. Social media is viral. Soon the people were taking the video and song and posting to their friends through social media sights.
            YouTube was an innovative choice for Ms. Rowland. The sight has a “comment” section. She could see first- hand how fans were reacting to the song. She could see how the fans responded to her. She then started giving interviews on video and putting them on YouTube next to the video.  She could answer fan questions in real time, and build a following.
This building of a following was important. The dance R&B is a crowded space. Through an innovative use of YouTube, Kelly observed just when the best time to release her album. When it was released it was No. 3 in the first week.
To create a great brand, first you observe your customers, and then you innovate.  Dr. Yogi Berra best describes the process of observation and innovation, “It ain’t over to till it’s over… and then it ain’t over”.

Dean Hambleton

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